
Look at these tips to save money on winter 能源 expenses and help 为你的家防寒 w在这里ver you live.

You've probably gotten out your winter coat and mittens - now it's time to 为你的家防寒 太. Chilly mornings and potential precipitation also may equal rising gas and electric bills. No matter if you're combating sub-zero temps or just cool mornings and nights, 小的变化 能帮助降低保持温暖舒适的高昂成本吗. 继续往下读,寻找帮助你的策略.


  • 调整吊扇. 热空气被困在天花板上, 但是你的吊扇可以把它往下推, 这反过来又能让你的房间保持温暖. Change the controls so the fan rotates clockwise at a low setting.
  • 调低你的恒温器. The good thing about winter home savings strategies is that you can take incremental steps to cut as much as you want. 把你的恒温器设置好:
    • Lower it at night by 10 degrees, and you might save up to 10% on your 供热成本. 但如果你觉得太冷了, 在8小时内将温度降低1度, 你还可以节省1%的家庭取暖费
    • Set the built-in capabilities to program the thermostat to adjust temperatures during the day, 没有人在家的时候, 在夜晚, 当你被毯子盖着睡着的时候. 能源之星 据报道,这样每年可以为你节省180美元.
    • 极端寒冷 it is recommended to leave the thermostat on a consistent temperature so the 炉 does not strain to catch up.
  • 考虑一个 智能恒温器. Energy saving thermostats can pick up on your family's behaviors, 可以通过智能手机远程访问吗, and may adjust temperatures based on the conditions of the environment like levels of humidity. 因此,智能恒温器可能会为你节省一些钱
  • 降低热水器的温度. Turn down the highest setting on your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to trim even 更多的 from your utility bills.
  • 关闭不用的房间. 不要在客房或装修好的阁楼上花太多时间? Close the vents and the door, 太, to reduce the square feet you have to heat


  • 运行加湿器. Part of the reason we feel cold in our homes during wintertime is because of the air around us. 更少的湿度意味着更凉爽、更干燥的感觉. 一个加湿器, 即使是一个小的,在你的主要生活空间运行, 能增加空气中的水分吗, 提高你的整体舒适度.
  • 把门窗封好. 冷空气渗入你的家中 equals 更多的 work by your HVAC system to keep the interior of your home warm. Take a good look at existing doors and windows and replace or add weather stripping to doors and fresh caulk to gaps in windows to help deter those drafts and reduce your utility gas and electric bill. 门窗所占的比例高达 占家庭热量损失的25%到30%.
  • 密封风管. 根据能源之星, 20%到30%的空气在流动 through your duct system is lost due to leaks, holes and poorly connected ducts. 使用胶粘或铝箔胶带密封您的系统.


  • Your HVAC system doesn't need a weekly cleaning like the rest of your home, but it does need a 暖通空调发动机的调整 at least twice a year - especially as it transitions into heavy use times such as winter and summer
  • Set up a service call so a technician can make sure all parts and pieces are in good working order. 定期检查可以帮助确保您的 will run efficiently, and can potentially reduce home 供热成本
  • 每月更换过滤器. Your HVAC filter traps dust and pollutants to get them out of the air in your home, but those same dirt particles can impede the 炉's ability to do its job well


  • If you have any plumbing lines that are in uninsulated spaces or against an outside wall, cover them in pipe insulation foam (readily available at hardware stores). 这可能有助于预防 防止水管结冰 如果冬天气温急剧下降


  • 换掉节日彩灯. Widely available LED lights are also wallet-friendly, and have the added bonus of a longer life, 太. 根据 能源.政府  they only use 20% to 25% of the 能源 and last 15 to 25 times longer. 把你的旧琴弦换成这些节能的琴弦, and make sure to turn off all holiday lights at night or when you're not at home
  • 利用太阳光线. Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day to soak up the sun's heat. 在晚上画它们可以帮助你的房子隔热.


  • 考虑把标准白炽灯泡换成 能源效率 的. 它们可能会更贵, but in the long run you can save 能源 and money after some months of use 

了解更多关于如何 管理你的家庭能源需求.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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租房者 can do their part to save the planet with these 11 green living tips for increasing their eco-friendly footprint.

冰坝造成的冬季水害,阁楼凝结 & 更多的

Excessive snow on the roof, condensation in the attic and ice buildup can cause roof & 水的损害和人身伤害.


With these fixes, you can keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.


冬季人行道的安全是件苦差事, but keeping your sidewalk clear of ice and snow during the winter might help prevent accidents and trouble.

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